
Seal Smooches for a Happy 2016

When the calendar flips, the new year is often marked with a few kisses from dear friends and family. Since the seals and sea lions are part of our family, the trainers had to share a couple pictures of the smooches that rang in this new year!

Commander and Vanessa: Big seals give big "kisses"! 
For seals, a kiss means putting their face near or touching the face of a trainer. Not only is it fun, it also builds trust between the trainer and the seal and offers a mental challenge as a new skill for the seal to learn.

Take a look—and Happy New Year!

Kitovi gives Lindsay and the new baby a kiss
Patty and Chiidax
Lindsay with Lana and Amelia
Elias and Reggae
Jess and Ursula
Brother and sister smooch — Chacoda and Cayenne
Patty with Chacoda and Cayenne double kiss


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