
#20: Mobile Seal

One of the most important aspects of our job as trainers is the training of husbandry behaviors. Husbandry behaviors are the behaviors that we use to take care of our marine mammal colony. A husbandry behavior can be something as simple as having the seal sit quietly while the trainer or veterinarian look them over to make sure they're in good condition. It might also be as involved as drawing blood, taking x-rays or performing an ultra sound. Having the seal enter a transport carrier is another example of a husbandry behavior. Doing so might be neccesary in order to move them to another part of the aquarium or to another facility entirely. Our three northern fur seals, Chainsaw, Ursula and Cordova are trained to enter a large kennel, turn around and allow the trainer to close the door. Behaviors like the kenneling that you see Chainsaw doing in this video are done regularly so they stay sharp in case we need them.



1 comment:

  1. It seems like she understands the word "fish"

    does she?


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