
Calling all seal fans - Chacoda ringtone!

How would you like to hear a harbor seal say "hey! hey!" every time your phone rings? Well now you can. The Aquarium's youngest harbor seal, Chacoda, often makes gutteral noises. The trainers have been working with that behavior to see if Chacoda can learn to vocalize like his famous grandfather, Hoover.

Well, sounds like Chuck is getting pretty close to the sound of someone calling out "hey!" Click the play button to hear for yourself and use the links to download an MP3 for your phone.

Download MP3. (Some users may need to right click and select "save" or "save as.")
Note: This audio file was created using the free online audio editing software Aviary.

1 comment:

  1. When I am nine I will work with you Chuck.
    Love, Charlotte


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